Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)2018-10-23T02:32:32+02:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for commonly asked questions about our waste services and new strategy

Why do we need a new Waste Strategy?2018-09-20T04:14:34+02:00

The new Waste Strategy will assist in guiding the future direction of waste management in the Hornsby Shire.  Council’s current collection and processing contracts will expire in 2020 and the new Waste Strategy will guide us in the planning of replacement contracts.

What waste and recycling services do I currently receive?2018-09-19T04:28:02+02:00

Your waste and recycling services are provided according to the type of dwelling you live in and where you live. Find out more about your current services.

Where does my waste and recycling currently go?2018-09-19T04:29:12+02:00

Your mixed waste and recycling is processed at various facilities in Sydney and regional NSW. Find out more.

Will my waste and recycling services change?2018-10-15T01:09:30+02:00

Your waste and recycling services may change depending on decisions made by Council.  That’s why it’s so important to Council to undertake an extensive community consultation process before it considers our Shire’s waste management future. Through the community consultation process you will be able to contribute to and influence our Waste Strategy.

Council ran an online survey in September/October 2018. The findings from this survey will be made available once the responses have been analysed.

The community is also invited to comment on the Draft Waste Strategy when it goes on public exhibition in 2019.

Will my Council rates increase?2018-09-20T04:15:35+02:00

The cost of managing our Shire’s waste will increase over the next decade resulting in increased waste charges. If we do nothing and maintain our current approach, we won’t get any improved environmental outcomes for the increased cost. However, if we carefully consider how best to manage our Shire’s waste, we can minimise potential cost increases and get greatly improved environmental outcomes. Our Waste Strategy will provide more detailed information on our community’s future waste management options, outcomes and costs.

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